About Us
From the Artistic Director
As a person who has not only experienced on-going bullying first-hand as a child, but also had to deal with the bullying of my own children, I am well aware of the short and long-term damage done by physical, verbal, relational and sexual violence. In other words, this show is personal, and therefore very much more than an "intellectual exercise...."
Studying the dynamics, or the "how" and "why" bullying happens, we also explore the dynamics of the bully, the person being bullied, and the bystander. Doing so, we can see that ALL three of the above examples come in ALL shapes and sizes, showing that we truly are ALL the same "under the skin."
This show of "self-empowerment" not only addresses the above dynamics, but also gives kids useful information, techniques, and coping strategies that work, thus increasing their self-confidence in ANY social situation.
The "work-shop-show" "Sticks and Stones.... the dynamics of bullying" is an entertaining and educational experience for Grades 3 through 12 that defines bullying as anti-social premeditated verbal, relational, physical and/or sexual attacks against others, in other words, an on-going form of overt, or covert terrorism.
This show plays off the familiar saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." That is a LIE. As we all know, name-calling DOES hurt.
"Sticks and Stones....the dynamics of bullying" defines what bullying IS, and is NOT. Bullying is NOT about "conflict resolution," it is about CONTEMPT, and an exaggerated sense of "entitlement" to CONSCIOUSLY do harm to someone seen as "inferior," or "different" for whatever so-called "reason."
This show addresses the issues and dynamics of bullying, specifically emphasizing and targeting the areas of racism, sexism, diversity and inclusiveness very effectively to kids, empowering them by actually "walking them through" the dynamics of the bully, the one being bullied, and the bystander, through assisted improvised role-play so that kids, on many levels, can really get a sense of COMPASSION, of how it FEELS to be in each particular situation, to "walk a mile in another's shoes."
Kids will understand not only HOW and WHY bullying happens, but also learn how to more effectively DEAL with it. The show invites audience participation through story-telling, music, song, drama, dance, dialogue and answering questions from the floor DURING the show to stimulate discussion, exchange of ideas, and suggestions for problem-solving.
Drama, story-telling, traditional moral and ethical teachings, interaction, participation, music, song and dance are used through related themes of multi-culturalism to define examples of "perceived differences," (often used as lame "excuses" for bullying such as racism and sexism) of the phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me," and expose it for the LIE it is.
Through discussion of our new multi-cultural flavoured "anti-bullying teaching songs," kids will get to know themselves, and each other better as they discover that, sitting on common ground, they really are ALL the same "under the skin."
For Grades 3 to 8, the inserted program "Random Acts of Kindness" provides a positive re-inforcement of compassion.
Intuit WorldWide's production of "Sticks&Stones....the dynamics of bullying is offering a powerful, intuitive, motivational and improvisational experience that will not only implant a strong anti-bullying message through participation, interaction and dialogue, but will also encourage and empower kids to resourcefully "think on their feet" in a variety of social situations, reinforcing and encouraging the self-confidence to do so through the "hands-on" and innovative aspect of this dynamic "show and tell-work-shop show."
This unique show will also supplement the drama, dance and music areas of the curriculum, and, like the "Power of Rhythm Multi-Cultural Show," will create a memory that will be treasured forever within the imagination of every child present.
The International BUDDYGUARD Initiative
"Children are, in one respect, the forgotten people of the world, and, in another, they are the pawns of the political system. Parenting, or any contact with children must invoke in the adult the experience of being a child; the vulnerability, curiosity, fear and yearning for attention."
"I believe that this kind of compassion, and only this is what will break the spiral of abuse in which our society is spinning so wildly. Given the world condition, we, as parents, are all in the position of needing to be that much more loving, protective and aware."
Because, bullying needs to STOP.
And, it ALL STARTS with YOU!
The wisdom of the Hopi elders says "the time of the lone wolf is done, we must ALL band and stand together as ONE."
WE are ALL the same.
WE are ALL we have.
Co-operation is the only way to solve our problems.
WE are ALL the same "under the skin."
The International BuddyGuard Initiative evolved in response to what could most effectively be done to help, protect and empower our kids NOW, as soon as possible to foster awareness, input, coping strategies and action plans regarding bullying in our schools.
The idea of a caring and protective "big-brother/big-sister" as a model seemed a natural choice.
The International BuddyGuard Initiative is a student-driven entity, targeted for responsible students in Grades 6,7,8, with a teacher in a supervisory capacity only. The International BuddyGuard Initiative is of the kids, for the kids, to empower themselves individually, and as a team, by not only increasing their awareness of these issues, but also to foster a sense of self, and social responsibility, kindness, compassion, cohesion, inclusion and community in our schools, and to have respect for our diversity, as we meet on "common ground."
It is suggested that a more or less informal Student Committee be formed to initiate the exchange of short "bios," and the "match" between the younger student and the older.
The older child agrees to "keep an eye" on his or her "Buddy" for a specific amount of time
To empower and protect our children, and reinforce a strong anti-bullying message, student facilitated and informal peer-groups and meetings would be one way of addressing the bullying, and other on-going and related issues that we ALL need to become more aware of.
The production "dynamic duo" is comprised of Ruth Kavanagh, Arts Educator, Artistic Director, social activist, performer, vocalist, playwright, choreographer, costume designer and Intuit for both "Sticks&Stones....the dynamics of bullying, and the "Power of Rhythm Multi-Cultural Variety Show."
Ruth has led an interesting life. The ideas and concepts for her diverse, intuitive and innovative projects have been derived, fueled and have evolved from her pointed, playful and intense interest in people, and her direct knowledge and experience of the power of public education, and the "act" in activism.
Fred May, Arts Educator, Musician, Composer, Producer and Photographer for both "Sticks&Stones....the dynamics of bullying," and the "Power of Rhythm Multi-Cultural Variety Show," has also led an interesting life.
Starting in 1979, he co-wrote the theme song for CTV's "Live It Up." This particular song was engineered by well-known Producer, Composer and Musician Daniel Lanois. Fred has also written music for CBC's "This Land." Fred has been a member of SOCAN since 1976, and has toured throughout Canada and the U.S. with recording artists "Sheriff," and "White Frost."